Proper Curing Practices

Posted by Thomas King on 26th Nov 2019

Proper Curing Practices

Proper curing and drying procedures can mean the difference between a good end product and a great end product. Utilizing an optimal drying and curing climate will not only bring out the best flavor, aroma, and consistency, but it will preserve these traits during storage. 

Step 1: DRYING

Before setting your product aside to cure, it is of the utmost importance that you make sure your product is dried properly. This can be done using a number of methods: resting the product on mesh racks, or hanging the product. In either case, use a small fan and a dehumidifier (naturally humid regions like the midwest would probably require a dehumidifier) to create airflow. 

The optimum drying temperatures are around 65 degrees Fahrenheit (+ or - 5 degrees). The humidity should be between 35-55%. 

Make sure your product is drying in a dark place. Adequate air exchange is very important. The product is usually considered dry when the stems snap cleanly, as opposed to bending. Once your product is properly dried, it may be put into smaller containers such as glass jars, food grade plastic containers, or turkey bags. 

Step 2: CURING

After transferring your product into the smaller container, you may notice the product is beginning to "sponge up" or get damp again. This is the water from the inside of the product working its way out to the edges. To combat mold and to nurture a "slow cure," you will need to open that container every day for about 20 minutes or so (also called "burping"). Gently mix that product around, being careful not to damage it by shaking too hard. The goal is to allow that excess moisture and Chlorphyll gas (too much chlorophyll trapped in the container causes a "hay" smell) to escape. 

Some growers utilize Boost packs (available in our web store), which may be inserted in the curing container to absorb moisture slowly. These are to be used for the first week or two of curing to help remove any excess humidity more efficiently without over-drying. It is important to remove these humidity packs after 2 weeks, as they have been reported to alter/absorb terpenes after time, which will affect the smell and taste of your final product.

Again, burping your product is crucial. It is also important to check your product for mold or mildew during this time as this can spread across the product even after it has been cut down and dried. Mold or mildew during curing can potentially cause total or partial loss of harvest.

Cutting corners during the dry/cure stage can cost the grower time, money, and energy. Improper drying and curing procedure can prove to be detrimental to even the most beautiful and healthy of plants. Good things come to those who wait!